In that case, we understand it as a sequence of cross-sections rather than something that somehow organically changes through time.
But, what is that larger mystical body?We have been given one candidate: that it's America, that it's somehow America.
Yet somehow it was transformed into, what it's turned into, a beautiful thing, although not without pain. -Yes.
And that's also how people find ways to break the second law, because somehow they've messed up on what their system is.
It is not a world in which language can be understood as somehow or another a means of expressing thought.
We get all used to the billion dollar line of credit at the treasury, but not all will somehow get it.
You can stop me any time and you should not feel somehow you are stopping the progress of the class.
It's been encrypted pretty naively, pretty simplistically, but it's actually an English sentence that's been somehow scrambled; but scrambled in a reversible way.
It's a positive force, and it exerts an actual and somehow palpable, discernible force in the world.
It implies that human life is somehow sacred and deserving of special care and protection.
Maybe somehow we misunderstood how the argument goes and it doesn't exactly-- although these two arguments seem parallel, they're not, in fact, parallel.
They provided a service to society and society responded by somehow they got their wealth, so I think that -- So be concrete.
And if smallpox was somehow introduced into a city like New York City, what would happen?
They were somehow familiar and somehow more likable.
We've got to figure out somehow how it is that consciousness is never completely uninhibited, never completely does and says what it wants to say.
And I found there were very few philosophers to even touch that topic, it was just something that they just assumed that somehow, yes, of course all humans have dignity and moral status and rights.