They've been humiliated by the Son of God and the other priggish loyalist angels so they are pained, utterly humiliated.
For example, if your son got in a fight with his sister and you're very concerned about him,
So in Exodus 4:22, Yahweh tells Moses to say to Pharaoh "Thus says the Lord, 'Israel is my firstborn son.
Because I really want to understand what it is like for a son and a father to relate each other.
But I feel the same thing often when my son brings his friends, maybe that I've known for a long time.
I hope you will keep on saying it, but I hope you will say it as an artist, as in Native Son. So Faulkner's objection is on the other side.
All right. A good quest-- sorry, a good thought, but in fact, son of a gun.
But when it came to treason, he was less likely to be merciful, as the case of Alexis, his ill-fated son would demonstrate.
This is my son, Zachary, when he was younger, not that weird-looking kid next to him.
So Gandhi looks at the child intensely and says, " "Son, stop eating too much sugar."
Mammon is the profiteer. Mammon is the goldsmith's son who wants to invest his talents with labor and with hard work in order to showa profit.
My son has a little robot that can do that.
Here, a neighbor father, crazed with grief at the death of his son, has drowned himself, killed himself, and the moon implies in its gaze that the poet should do so, too.
Because when that happens, when he gives up his rage, and he allows-- you remember he allows Priam to bury his son Hector, something he would have refused to do in his rage.
Well, my son plays soccer. We are going off to a soccer game right now,
2 3 Well, son of a gun, one, two, three, four, five, six, sulfur, We've got six. We've used all the electrons.