But the new Presbyterian Party soon developed its own methods of employing state power to control and regulate the church.
You can say "this is where I am right now and this is what I'm going to do very, very soon."
Now as soon as we start talking about things like the dominant, we are also aware of the evanescence of dominance.
clothes off and attacking the lice that are attacking them.] Soon like a demons' pantomime The place was raging.
This thing better start turning negative soon or we are going to change the way the world works here.
As soon as I detect with what we'll call a condition if I'm touching the edge I have to essentially spin around 180 degrees and then continue looping.
When we talk about p orbitals the phase of the orbital becomes important once we talk about bonding, which hopefully you were happy to hear at the beginning of class we will get to soon.
I'd die as soon as I forgot anything at all of what I was doing 20 minutes ago.
Look again at the sentence that I just read, the last lines: Soon had his crew Op'nd into the Hill a spacious wound And dig'd out ribs of Gold."
So, by definition, we'll be run by morons pretty soon We're not too far from that right now -from that point in our economic history.
They established a colony somewhere in the 750's, and soon afterwards,there is a colony established on the east coast of Sicily at what we call Syracuse now, and a rash of others.
And fairly soon into the conversation I demonstrated some principle that you've probably learned in your physics class having to do with an object at rest remaining at rest unless acted upon by a force.
And so I think we need to take action as soon as possible to start reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
As soon as you allow anything to mix, like you might if you want to do any chemistry, entropy changes.
OK. So, soon as I get down to a list that has no more than two elements in it, I'm done.
This novel--as you will soon see, Onnie Jay Holy once you get to the parts where Onnie Jay Holy begins to preach-- this novel is very much a critique of sentimentality.