God creates the world and then sort of, as Milton says himself, "uncircumscrib'd withdraws," right? God is not there.
One of the things that extended time in the wilderness allows is sort of a reorienting of the idea of control.
Science is very hostile to innovation when it challenges existing theory, sort of like management, the same thing.
And specifically -- our industry's constantly transitioning from one technology to another, and we sort of screwed up one of the transitions.
The rebellious artist Milton and the rebellious astronomer Galileo are continually threatening to lapse into some sort of identity with Satan himself.
Fourth, there's generally some arrangement, either for the publication of the treaty, or its deposition, its safe-keeping in some sort of shrine.
We see Dean sort of begging for sleep after his conversation with Carlo Marx in the basement in Denver.
So I've sort of just spread out what we have as the second row here, graphed against the ionization energy.
In fact, as a little helper, notice what it's sort of automatically including for me: What's this thing here?
Now Microsoft is sort of a funny place, we've got these big businesses but in the software business big businesses need to be constantly recreated.
But what Alexander and his successors did was they made sort of a conscious, propagandistic decision to use religious syncretism to bind together their kingdoms.
In Citizen Kane, sort of myth of the past is sort of wonderful, perfect childhood playing the snow.
You thought you knew what the built-in function sort did, method sort did.
Without those other things running around we would have a good sort of model of homophonic texture, sort of block chords changing in that fashion.
I'll take every view that Socrates puts forward as a view of Plato's, though I'll typically sort of run back and forth sort of in a careless fashion.
Now, neurotransmitters become interesting because a lot of psychopharmacology, both of the medical sort and the recreational sort, consists of fiddling with neurotransmitters and so you could see this through some examples.