Well, so I mean, he is... when he invented all the theory about the space time and all this,
It means that the properties of the system, the properties that describe the system, don't change in time or in space.
For the adult learner, the technology has the capability of freeing us in terms of time and space.
I'm asking about this thing that's extended obviously through space since car has taken up some space and through time.
You're going to see the arguments about space if you take some of the courses that follow on, and again, some nice courses about that. For this course, we're not going to worry about space that much. What we're really going to focus on is time.
and what the relevance is of all this space time physics and all this, and how...
Parole is the unfolding in time of a set of possibilities given in space, that set of possibilities being what Saussure calls "langue."
No one of us can get out of the space and time of life.
One of the inputs to the problems we're gonna be working on this semester and if you continue on in this world how much thought it takes to implement something, how much time it takes to run something, how much space it takes to run something?
When we do relativity, we'll be dealing with vectors in space-time and we'll find that different observers disagree on what is this and what is that.
For example, I don't have more space to write, if this is time and this is earnings-- if your earnings were,say, flat and suddenly increased like that, they wouldn't believe this increase at first, so the board would decide to adjust only, say, half way up.
And there's some space-time worm taking place in Michigan, some space-time person worm taking place in New York.
Is the space-time worm that makes up this car the same sapce-time worm as the one ? that made up my car?
Because we made time and space independently, was we in fact violating the time-out rule?
In dynamic programming, one of the things that's going on is we're trading time for space.
But it doesn't exist in a systemic space; it exists in an unfolding time, right?