Conversations, some of the deepest conversations take place in the quietest spaces or the most out-of-the-way places.
how all the spaces are allocated in the building, the new renovation in terms of the students groups.
On the other hand there may be some other spaces that students would be encouraged to search for those who might have experiences unlike their own.
That is, there would be a printed form on paper with spaces to fill in the numbers or other things.
What they also did around the year one thousand was to identify-- to label--these particular spots--spaces and lines.
So all you have behind here for spaces sake is just 8 cups, each with different weights.
Yeah. A lot of attention to physical detail and physical movement,and that's connected to this point about confined spaces. It's the movement of bodies within confined spaces that really preoccupies this novel.
The way we use technology to overcome that is we have a lot of simulations and visualizations set up, built around in the virtual spaces.
That's an example of symmetric sequence and it happens that most restriction enzymes also recognize those spaces.
Nobody sought or planned for freedom, but in the spaces that were left by the endless conflicts among secular rulers and between them and the Church, there was room for freedom to grow.
And a few friends I've visited have either been housesitting there or actually have spaces there.
But Brooklyn, the spaces are twice as large, and the rent is half the price.
So, basically what he's showing in these cubes is that there are eight spaces that need to be filled up to have a full cube.
And our engineers constantly hear from other friends working for other Internet companies in Beijing--they living the most flashiest office spaces in Beijing and their salary is raised three times a year.
But yeah, just trying to get everyone in there using their spaces as well.
But for the spaces that everyone shares, it's important to keep those clean