The contract has to specify what are the causes of, let's say, death or a situation in which one is covered.
It can help us specify, add specificity to our conversations.
It tells you that any attempt to try to specify, to localize the position of an electron in such a system is futile.
We're always talking about the ground state unless 1 we specify that we're talking about an excited state.
The interest rate has units of time, so I have to specify a time period over which I'm measuring an interest rate.
If you're writing a one line function, whose sole purpose in life is addition, and, clearly, this is about addition, well, then it's, in fact, A reasonable to use a shorter symbol like A, but I do have to specify it's type.
This is me writing one hour of that episode of Pirandello and telling the other authors, here's what I'm assuming as you use it. So it's up to me to do it right, but if I do it, I'm going to specify, what does this function do?
I suppose we could specify the surroundings temperature.
In fact, this poem's power lies, I think, in its -not only its inability but its unwillingness to specify the content of that revelation.
We would specify a precise frequency here another one up here but what that gentleman was singing was all the stuff in between.
One of them has the right sequence of codons to specify the amino acid sequence of the protein, and the other one has a complimentary sequence.
No matter where you specify your electron is in terms of those two angles, it doesn't matter the angular part of your wave function is going to be the same.
So finite number of times can you specify with a condition, as we'll see in a moment.
So if I specify the number three, now I'm in the right place.
But it's not a complete theory until we specify the utility function.
It specifies--what does it specify?
And that's why all those reactions, first of all, in some sense what I put up was kind of a trivial statement in actual fact saying they all happen spontaneously because I didn't specify what we were starting with exactly, what concentrations we were starting with.
So when we talk about a wave function squared, n l m he wave function, any one that we specify between n, l and m, at any position that we specify based on r, theta, and phi.
We don't have to specify that it's measured at constant u.
I won't say that they're thoughts and emotions or things, but what characterizes an instance here, it's the internal parameters that specify what is going on.
But whereas the other one was obviously forever, this allows you to specify a finite number of times that you wanna do something.
The most important thing that these do is: they specify what reserves insurance companies have to hold.
We can also specify what kind of node we're talking about.
Specify the quantum number n and divide by Z.
Because if I don't specify a name for this input, I have no way of actually referring to it in subsequent lines of code.
Well, you can specify what's called a switch or a flag.
Then of course, there's the other problem that the insurance company-- how does the insurance company reasonably specify that it can come through on this policy?