Shelly Kagan Here,right now I'm standing in front of you saying I'm Shelly Kagan, the guy who was lecturing to you last week.
Let's say you're on a subway, and you have a seat and an older woman is standing in front of you.
Is the person who is going to be lecturing to you on Tuesday the very same person as the person who is ? standing in front of you lecturing to you now?
You talk to these people who were standing in front of the bank; the first question you'd ask them, aren't deposits insured in the U.K.
the easier it comes when you are standing in front of people and you have to express yourself,
What I found when I thought about the Methuselah case was, even though it was me at age 800, the same person as the one who's standing here in front of you now, ?" it didn't really matter. I said, "So what?"