It turns out not, but it does evince the fact that we have some basic syntax like mathematics and equal signs and whatnot with which we can now start using for more useful purposes.
Let's see how we can now start using them like I did for that little chart of enrollment.
What we really want to do now though is start using this stuff.
So what I'd urge you to do is to find-- get the clicker as soon as you can and we'll start using it fairly soon in the class.
They start using first words, first sentences, first complicated constructions.
So, what will start with on Monday is doing the most simple example of methane using these Lewis structure rules.
Because whenever I tell this story now, people start saying, " "Oh, well the evil machines are busy using your body as a battery" or whatever it was in the movie, right?
Well let's talk about some mechanisms for using this and I'll start with a simple example of how one can detect a gene in a fluid, in a blood sample for example, where that gene is unknown.
And I'll point out as we proceed, because I kind of have to start using the cloud here.
Right, so the things we want you to take away from this are, get into the habit of using pseudo code when you sit down to start a problem, write out what are the steps.
Well, a few details, a few building blocks we can start using in more compelling ways.
We'll talk about cells and how they work, how cells in different parts of the body are different, why, and how they contribute to tissues at a very sort of simple level so that you can understand this as we start thinking about using cells for engineering purposes.
Then on Thursday we're going to start talking about how to manipulate DNA and get closer to using it in Biomedical Engineering.
Well, for a thing called main which itself is a function but a function I wrote, a tool I am writing at the moment not like printf which someone else wrote long ago, I have to say where does main start, where does main end, and I do that by using these curly braces.