I could consume all of my income-- if I borrow against my future income, I could-- there's a problem here of starvation.
Starvation was a major threat on the left but not on the right, and the top priority on the left was to bank energy.
There are some very poor areas in Africa where farmers really run the risk-- if their crop fails it could be really bad; they would be approaching starvation.
在非洲有一些非常贫困的地区,那里的农民真的面临着巨大的风险,一旦庄稼歉收 他们的处境将变得很糟糕,他们将经历饥荒
But, it ceased being funny, and it was nothing like the siege of Leningrad where something like a million people died in World War Two of starvation; but, there were all sorts of little caskets being dragged along to what passed then for mortuaries.
That explains, in large part, why there was such a decline in population, why the Dark Ages were so dark, lots of poverty, lots of starvation, but also, as I suggested when I spoke of this earlier, also the freedom if you could make it, to learn and also to grow stronger.
That made some populations mobile because they had to move from place to place to find food, but of course, it made starvation a very real possibility.
那样使得部分人口开始流动,人们不得不不断地迁徙,寻找食物,当然 自然灾害也造成了饥荒
The most recent example, as I mentioned before, is the huge spike in food prices around the world which has created rioting, starvation, major crises in various countries.
If one were faced with starvation, then seeking out fat as we discussed before, is a pretty good idea, but if one is not deprived of calories, then having fat may not be so helpful.
If you take in more calories than you consume, it gets stored in the fat cells, that's the energy bank that you can draw upon if you don't have enough food and starvation or famine were an issue.
And if your body is biologically programmed to defend itself gainst famine or starvation which is what humans and animals have faced over all the centuries then you're going to seek out the energy dense food and that's why those foods taste inherently better.
This was thought by many to be a positive change but in game rich environments where there was a lot of meat available, people could actually get many more calories per hour-- that is secure more food that would help fend off starvation compared to what they could get for people cultivating food.
很多人都认为这是一个积极的改变,然而 在那些富饶地区,获取肉类轻而易举,同样时间内,人类可以获取更多能量,相对那些靠种植获取食物的人类来说,这些地区有足够多的食物来抵御饥荒