Would it be wrong for someone to steal a loaf of bread to feed his starving family?
But you can lose muscle mass by starving yourself, too.
All right, but -- So why is it wrong to steal even to feed your starving family?
If something really hits you hard and you would be starving, that would be really bad.
As I said, in some context last time, how many Russian peasants died in the 1890s thinking, "Oh my god, if the Czar only knew that we're starving, how angry he would be with his officials."
There was The Seven Country Study, which was like The Framingham Study, where heart disease risk factors were mentioned, but he also did a very famous study on people starving.
Is it all right to steal a loaf of bread to feed a starving family or to steal a drug that your child needs to survive?
Even to save a starving family?
If I consume it all this year, I will be starving.
So if you were starving and you really needed energy, that is your body needed calories, it needed usable energy in order to survive, the broccoli's not going to do you much good and the brownie would be terrific.
The interest there was what do--can we learn about this because there were populations all over the world starving and scientists wanted to know what was happening physiologically to people and then what was the best way to re-feed them when you got--when they got access to food again?