One recent, also, last year, an article from the Globe, also part some statistics, they show the reading guest.
and so statistics is like, is one of the main thing I would say, yeah.
For those of you who have had a course in probability and statistics, there will be nothing new here.
Because you don't know how much more time you've got-- You can make a guess based on statistics, but as we saw, there's wild unpredictability.
I just wanted to show you this last graph, or this last set of statistics to go from causes of death in the U. S.
so that means that hidden in there is the idea that these people who are creating these statistics are costing us all a lot of money.
We'll see the statistics are really just fascinating about how big these armies become.
Similarly,"growing-tip" statistics is not saying " "let's not study the average".
And then you have to take History course and course in Statistics for modeling, so.
most chemical and biological systems aren't that simple precisely because you have to worry about many particles and their statistics and the way they might order or disorder.
And you can join on to the Red Sox nation on top of that, and part of being a good Red Sox fan is knowing the statistics of your team.
And obviously physics and I would say statistics a lot,
Those are the sorts of things we need to break down the statistics the billion people in poverty.
So the enrollment numbers are in and we thought we would share some statistics, as we like to do in this course; being computer scientists, we tend to gather lots of data.
For example, one of the statistics when I talk to people about the youth online with the study that was done years ago, where they said 1/4 teenager girls had received unwelcome sexual advances on the Internet.
This isn't really statistics anymore, but it's a concept that I want to include in this lecture.