The other reason why cells stay together is that they're surrounded by a matrix that's called extracellular matrix.
By the way, it's critical that they should stay in formation; nobody should get ahead of anybody else.
You might see them on the site and we just keep our operating expenses low so far and by doing that, we've been able to stay cash flow positive for basically the entire existence of the company.
You stay in business by looking a lot like the market.
By the way, after class, I'm more than happy to stay as long as needed to answer any questions you guys have or to talk about whatever issues you'd like to bring up, but probably what makes sense is for me to power down the computer and pack up and then we can stand out in the hallway and I can answer questions out there, that way the next class can get in and the instructor can work unimpeded.
In the first place, by and until the twentieth century, I guess, human beings tended to stay put.