And those instructions, by the way, are very simple: they're things like, take the value out of two places in memory, and run them through the multiplier in here, a little piece of circuitry, and stick them back into someplace in memory.
Secondly, as we go to the more advanced part of the course, we'll take a result from this part of the blackboard, stick it into the second part and keep manipulating, so if I screwed up in the beginning and you guys keep quiet, we'll have to do the whole thing again.
Take a stick, bang it into the ground, hang on that stick a captured helmet, - by the way please get up, thank you - a captured helmet, or a captured corselet, something that represents the military equipment that the losers had that were left on the field.
Suppose we take, call this one the left hemisphere, and we stick it in here, into Jones' torso.
We take this other hemisphere,the right half of my brain and we stick it into Smith's torso.