I can touch it, I'm not controlling it, it doesn't recognize me and say, "Hey Steve, stop beating on me."
But I certainly won't stop them from seeking plastic surgery if that makes them feel better about themselves.
If we think that our knowledge is positive, we say "red" in a red light means stop.
There is too much talking in the room so I am asking you to stop now in respect for your classmates.
She's confronted him with having knowingly taken the father's words the wrong way: "You stop that lying.
One can stop spread of disease through a community without being 100% effective in each person who gets the vaccine.
However, as you know, we didn't stop at the plum pudding model, which is good, because it's a little goofy, so it's nice to move on from that and move on we did.
I know you're bugged by my bad humor, but too bad. Maybe you're bugged by this, saying wait a minute, how does this thing stop? This is the kind of definition that your high school geometry teacher would have rapped your knuckles over.
I wanna stop here because I think that's a role that you have provided for many students.
It's said that I always stop to correct names for any reason. But certainly about your name.
Tocqueville couldn't resist it, it was the thing he couldn't stop writing about in Democracy in America, and he was only observing in 1831.
So stop me anytime you don't follow something, and don't assume that you're not following something because there's something wrong with your level of comprehension.
Now, you may know that New York City and other places around the country have enacted regulations to stop Trans fats being served in restaurants.
We are rather entitled to the bolder conclusion the soul can't be destroyed. Full stop.Period.
So she's going to have to stop working in a couple of months to take care of the baby.
Don't just stop in the middle of the street because everyone is coming right behind, and it's going to cause a problem.