You can stop me any time and you should not feel somehow you are stopping the progress of the class.
Well,you can't tell by thinking about the normal case, because the B-functioning and the P-functioning stop at the same time.
You're on the phone with this guy all the time and you sniff something out, you can maybe stop it.
Cells can stop in their lifetime at some point in the cell cycle and persist for long periods of time.
OK, so it's time to stop, I did, in fact, get caught up.
This is an excellent time to stop the lecture so I'm going to stop the lecture and we're going to continue social psychology on Wednesday.
It's the time where we stop the class and you look inward.
If you eat food for a long time and then you stop, let's say a high sugar diet or something and withdrawal symptoms occur, well that might mean addiction is occurring.
Milton has dug up a gem from the pages of The Iliad, and this gem has something like a Medusa effect on the poem or perhaps on us as readers. Time almost seems to stop when we begin appreciating this image solely on aesthetic grounds.
I was going to start showing you some examples, but I think, rather than doing that, I'm going to stop here, I'm going to give you two minutes back of time, but I want to just point out to you that we are going to have fun next week, because I'm going to show you what in the world that has to do with efficiency.