What I have now is the following: I can write expressions, do combinations of things to get out values, I can store them away, I can print them up.
And by that, I mean, not how much memory do I need to store the size of the input, it's really how much internal memory do I use up as I go through the computation?
You just need to come up with a convention that maps the numbers that are very easy for a computer to store.
If you click on that then you pull up the whole article and then you'll have it and you can store it, or just read it and do whatever you wish.
So, when we were building Square, we realized that, "Wow! The receipt is something that has never really been designed or looked at. I go up to a coffee store and I hand them my credit card. I say, "I want a cappuccino." I hand them my credit card.
- And lastly, you might have recalled the Fruit-craft RPG game that we played briefly with the little man that moves up and down, left and right and collects like oranges and apples and then brings them into the store.