Maybe other principles of hermeneutics will place much more stress on innovation or novelty or difference, but you're not sure people can understand unless they share a great deal of common ground."
Sometimes I write my feelings down on paper to release stress.
This may create economic dislocations that we will see throughout our lives, but also creates opportunities-- I want to stress on the opportunities.
Yes, we want to put a stress on "swing."
And I want to stress this, we're going to come back to it later on in the term, so the way I'd like you to think about it for now, is that somewhere in the machine, there's a big space that contains all possible values.
One of the things I was training was a course called mindfulness meditation, which was developed in the medical school affiliated to Massachusetts, they've done a lot of research on it in terms of helping people with disease, and stress-related disease.
Gadamer acknowledges this, even insists on it as I say, but he doesn't lay stress on it because the gap that is implied in the need to be pulled up short is not a big one.
I have to stress, though, that scholars differ very much on where the seams in the text are, what parts of the story belong to J or E, or P, so you'll read very, very different accounts.
There's a stress on "when" and "see."
This behavior recently, I think, confirms that we are living in a very unusual time in the housing market and it's going to put a lot of stress on us.