So as a function and not as a subjective consciousness to which we appeal to grasp a meaning, the author still does exist.
Research on subjective wellbeing-- the term that psychologists use to capture happiness essentially has been going on for very, very long time.
And so the question is, "How does a thing like that give rise to consciousness and subjective experience?"
We can distance ourselves from our subjective wants and needs and likes and dislikes, and we can coexist with it in a happy and constructive way.
And there's this third axis called "style," which is really a more subjective aesthetic sense.
It's a combination of looking at kind of objective attributes and subjective characteristics and finding people who ultimately will be good partners for the University.
Everything that is worthwhile is to some extent subjective.
Isn't that a completely subjective judgment what one thinks is the best regime?
I think the answer is to be found, or at least one answer-- the truth is there are many answers-- in that they are just terribly interesting, but that's very much of a-- what's the word I want, the opposite of objective subjective observation by me.
And many people rightfully so questioned the veracity, the value of these questionnaires, because it is subjective-- ? are we measuring something real?
These values are regarded by them as purely subjective again their own value judgment so to speak and not strictly speaking a part of the science of politics.
It's regarded perhaps by today's political science as too value laden too subjective to speak of statesmanship or statecraft. This too again is a word that carries distinctive and strong ? connotations. Who is a statesman?
And I think--This strategy is one I'm very enthusiastic about but there still remains what's sometimes called the "Hard Problem of Consciousness" and this involves subjective experience.