And that's just to take 1 the principle quantum number l and subtract it by 1, and then also subtract from that your l quantum number.
pxa So what happens when we add a 2 p a and we subtract from it a 2 p x b, or the same with a 2 p y a subtracting a 2 p y b, is that we're actually going to cancel out the wave function in the center, so we now have 2 nodal planes.
OK, then it says draw a single bond from each surrounding atom to the central atom, and subtract two valence electrons.
They subtract this from the purchase price of the house and then you've got the cash to go and buy another house.
There you are at the pearly gates and you look back on your life and you could, in principle, add up all the pleasures, add up all the pains, subtract the pains from the pleasures and ask yourself, "How good a life did I have?
So to figure out bonding electrons, -- what we take is that number 18, which is our total number of electrons we need to fill valence shells, and we subtract it from our number of valence electrons, which is 10.
Subtract that from one, 100 multiply it by 100 and you have something between zero and 100.
sb So in this case we would have 1 s a and 1 s b, and instead we would subtract one from the other, and what we would see is that instead of having additional, more wave function in the middle here, we've actually cancelled out the wave function and we end up with a node.