Something is usually said about Kafka in connection with Wise Blood, but I have never succeeded in making my way through The Castle or The Trial, and I wouldn't pretend to know anything about Kafka.
They probably succeeded in subduing some of their neighbors, collecting tribute--there's some controversy about that but in about 922 this kingdom divided into two smaller and lesser kingdoms that fell in importance.
So having succeeded with that, he thought well, now that I've seen Troy, how about Mycenae?
So, most people succeeded.
And they succeeded much more.
Well,that's going to inflate the numbers too because the only managers that kind of raise their hand and say, hey I've got this interesting new approach to managing domestic equities--or whatever the asset class is -are the ones that have succeeded.
In the sixteenth century, the native Egyptians, who were smarting and smoldering under the humiliating foreign rule of the Hyksos, finally succeeded in rising up and driving them out, and reestablishing a native Egyptian dynasty.
Was it the world that succeeded that Bronze Age that we call the Dark Ages?
Then it looks like there came a moment where there was a final blow, where whatever was attempting to overthrow these cities and this civilization succeeded, but it was not the same in every place.