You really had a remarkable success in academics, in the administrative... You've taught at great universities across the country.
And there are many reasons for this, our success in eliminating infectious diseases as causes in the developed world.
Name me a modern American president who won the presidency without at least some success in the states of the old Confederacy.
And the claim that psychoanalysis proves itself by being- by its tremendous success in curing mental illness is also almost certainly not true.
The gold standard was a success in the sense that the price of gold stayed constant because that's what the whole system was designed to do.
Hobbes' individuality or individualism is closely connected to this conception of a human being or human well-being as success in the competition for the goods of life.
This is where evaluation comes in. The success or failure of a poem depends on the realization of meaning.
I am by the way at the moment trying to do the same thing in Cuba, with absolutely no success.
Could Milton actually have believed that poetic success was in some way contingent on what it is that you do, or what it is you don't do, with your body?
This is the last question we'll see in class on the photoelectric effect, so hopefully we can have a very high success rate here to show we are all ready to move on with our lives here.
And success, as a fourteen years-old squash player, was the most important thing in my life.
But focusing on things that are sustainable and scalable so that when we launch more schools or go into the next market or whatever we do, we're going to set ourselves up to have the same success that we've had without hurting our self in the current position.
I don't think they were having very good success, but they did notice something interesting which is that the rat kept returning to the corner of the cage in which it was stimulated the day before So Olds got an interesting idea, he said, what if we let the rats stimulate in its own brain, what would happen.
Many have said that the Obama presidency will be defined s success or failure in Afghanistan.
Well, that's a great story, and it's an example of a great success in medicine.
He carves down the forest, he begins to cultivate the land and he declares what you got to have for success in the South is "A house, some land and some niggers."