So what the subject is, okay, so if it's something like, you know, buy such and such, a whole bunch of spam.
What you mean is "what do you think about" such and such.
One of them was, would you buy insurance against such and such a risk?
Linda Or we say, "Linda, hey, conjugate such and such a verb in French."
I then print X's now such and such, initializing dot, dot, dot.
And we get such a dramatic vision of that in the next episode that follows, the episode of the kitten.
The very idea that a figure so virtuous could have been dealt such a tragic and early death strikes Milton, or Milton's speaker here, as the rankest injustice.
We've got cantatas, sonatas, ballets, things such as this, and we'll get to each of those in turn.
Such was the South at its best," Said Cash, "And such at its best it remains today."
If you found yourself disagree with President Bush and on such occasions, what did you do?
We also, in Leviticus 11, meat dietary laws ; that are governed by criteria such as cud chewing and having a split hoof; you can only eat animals that chew the cud and have a split hoof.
And, what we will do next day is we will look at the consequences of such an energetic set up, and rationalize that when ions form, by necessity we must form ionic crystals.
Things started to change probably on the first day of class, but not entirely-- because there's shopping period and it's such a wonderful thing-- you shop for classes.
And such people are unable to learn and use language.
This is pretty good news and confirms what other studies had shown, but this is especially persuasive because it pools all those studies and draws from such a large number of subjects.
So, a protein that has tyrosine and it has tyrosine in a position such that it's on the outside of the protein and accessible to chemical reaction can be phosphorylated.