I would suggest that it's not unlike the wedge that Hirsch drives between the concept of meaning and the concept of significance.
But I wouldn't suggest that you walk around any part of New York City
Does it suggest that England's history and its heritage and its honor are in jeopardy?
He's a better teacher than Scotus or Aquinas, and the text seems almost to suggest that Milton can't do without his own teacher, Edmund Spenser.
And you don't get a complete straight line but you get an interesting function that suggest that there's a relationship.
Doesn't that suggest that it's a mistake to try to put monetary figures on questions of human life?
Now, texts from Ancient Near Eastern cultures suggest that a central function of the rituals that were performed in sanctuaries was to secure the perpetual aid and blessing of a well-disposed deity.
But I'm going to suggest that I can divide knowledge into at least two categories.
Though he sometimes does talk about texts that we call "literary," indeed he very often does, nevertheless Derrida's position and the logic of that position suggest that we can't really reliably discriminate among genres.
This seems to suggest that referring back to the Apology, that it is not Socrates, but the Athenians who innovate, who create and introduce new deities.
A "Subprime borrower" Is somebody who has a poor credit history or some other indication that would suggest that they might not be able to repay the mortgage-- they might default.
But the fact that this type of report the goverment published itself suggest that they are thinking about it and once it becomes part of the public discourse this typle of issue... some action is likely to follow.
If your colleagues at work suggest that you go out for a drink
Now, there are Greek traditions that are taken seriously by the Greeks that suggest that kings ruled these cities from the beginning and they have lists of kings with their names, and sometimes with stories attached to them.
What do you suggest that visitors should do in Covent Garden?
Franny and Zooey I will stop there, and please bring both On the Road and Franny and Zooey to section this week. And, by the way, one last thing: If you've been sketchy about your section attendance, I suggest that you try to pull up your socks and go.