OK, so now we've got, taken an electron from that sulfur, put it here, an electron from that sulfur, put it here.
times 7, plus we have 6 in the sulfur, and oxygen is right above sulfur, so that also has 6.
2 3 Well, son of a gun, one, two, three, four, five, six, sulfur, We've got six. We've used all the electrons.
So why don't you tell me what the formal charge should be on the sulfur atom of thionyl chloride?
So, if we compare the sulfur to the oxygen, the oxygen it turns out is more electronegative and that is what holds the negative charge in this molecule.
It could be aluminum, silicone, phosphorous, sulfur, c hlorine or argon.
So between b e, and b, between n and o, magnesium and aluminum, and then phosphorous and sulfur, what we see here is that we're kind of going down, or quite specifically, we are going down.
090 We have 1,090 for carbon, 1000 1,000 for sulfur, 1400 and 1,400 for nitrogen.
And then we end up having 6 shared electrons, 2 from each of the bonds, so we end up with a formal charge on sulfur of plus 1.
All right. So, let's go ahead and draw our Lewis structure here with sulfur in the middle.
For the sulfur, we start off with 6 valence electrons, minus 4 lone pair electrons, minus 2, taking in account our bonding electrons, so we end up with a formal charge of 0.
We would expect the ionization energy to decrease, that means that sulfur has our lowest ionization energy.
He said look at sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, potassium.
So, we can put our sulfur in the middle, and then it doesn't really matter how we draw the rest of it, where we put our c l's versus where we put our oxygen.
So if we look at sulfur, what we need to do is take the valence electrons in sulfur, and there are 6.
And what we have left here is the sulfur, which will also get a pair.
So in one case, we could actually put carbon in the middle, in one place, we could put sulfur in the middle, and in one case we could put nitrogen.
But, the oxygen has taken two electrons from the sulfur.
And, this is all that was known at that time, seven metals, carbon, and sulfur.
So, in terms of ionization energy, we would expect to see sulfur in the middle.
We started with just the seven metals and carbon plus sulfur, it was the point of departure for Democritus.
So, a lot of people I hear are saying sulfur, and that's right.
Well, this chlorine has taken one electron from the sulfur.
And what you find out if you do these calculations, is that you have a negative 1 for your formal charge on nitrogen, you have a negative 2 for your formal charge on carbon, and you have a positive 2 for your formal charge on sulfur.
We'll just put them in some way around our sulfur atom.