Crane is full of mixed metaphors; you're not supposed to mix your metaphors and he does, all the time.
you're the face, you're the person who's supposed to keep the troop, you know, the, the rank and file motivated.
There's a sense that you're supposed to leave the bookstore with a kind of talisman that you have bought, with a Celtic charm.
They always mean or signify far more than they're supposed to if their job is simply to make a comparison.
Why don't we have you, when the time comes, raise your hand if you're supposed to be representing a one?
When people say,You know,everyone dies alone, you're supposed to be gaining some deep insight into the nature of death.
And, that's a good thing to know because if you come out with an answer that's somewhere near the diameter of the universe and it's supposed to be the diameter of an atom, then you will know that you probably made a mistake.
If any of you don't want your image recorded and posted on the web, you're supposed to sit in the back three rows.
They're supposed to be like a pass through vehicle -they're owning real estate on your behalf, so they shouldn't be retaining earnings.
This part of the cell becomes depolarized because it gets the message that it's supposed to depolarize because of all the inputs that impinge on these dendrites.
And the poem goes on, and this is the tone of a poem. It's a poem of crisis, a poem of a kind of hollow speaker, someone who emerges as, more or less, buried alive. And this is supposed to reflect both personal crisis and a historical crisis.
The grains in the orange side you're supposed to be eating more of those than what might be a smaller slice of the pie here, or the triangle.
It's supposed to be very famous internationally.
But what I'm trying to get at is do you consider that you are under no obligation, since you haven't actually entered into any act of consent, but for prudential reasons, you do what you're supposed to do according to the law?
And at the very end, there's like two women, and he was supposed to propose to one of them,
During this part, when you're doing a quarter of a circle, this is supposed to be a quarter of a circle.