So what is this radical new idea that shaped a culture and enabled its survival into later antiquity and really right into the present day in some form?
Now,what I've been arguing is that,logically speaking, even if you are a physicalist, that doesn't rule out the possibility of survival.
A very old, very wrong view of evolution is that evolution has shaped animals such that they're merely survival machines.
The writer observes that survival is a difficult endeavor and that the world can sometimes seem harshly hostile.
It's Darwinian science and it's very interesting that Darwin, as much as Marx, is all about struggle: the struggle for survival, the struggle for dominance.
Fat has twice the calories per unit weight that protein or carbohydrate sugar has, as a consequence, has the greatest survival value.
And he was from Normandy, he lived near Cannes in Normandy, and they found him eating clams and things for survival on the beach.
His examples are typically drawn from situations of human beings or polities in extremes where the very survival or independence of a society is at stake.
If evolution is survival of the fittest, nature red in tooth and claw, how could animals evolve moral feelings?
When you think about the possibility of bare survival of the scrubbed, clean,erased soul,you see that survival wasn't really everything you wanted.
So as it were,we might say, it might be that mere survival or bare bones survival doesn't really give me what matters.
And what matters,or so it seems to me,at least, isn't survival per se,but rather having the same personality.
Isn't this essential for the survival of ? any state,of any city?
And it's evolved due to survival and reproduction.
Pretty clearly, to think about death and continued existence and survival, we have to get clear about the nature of personal identity.
So should we conclude,therefore, that what really matters is not just survival but having the same personality?