So the survivorship bias and the backfill bias would be much,much more of a problem in the hedge fund world.
Looking at this particular group, he estimated survivorship bias to be 4.4% per year and backfill bias to be 7.3% per year.
Then if you adjust for survivorship bias, you end up concluding that the deficit wasn't .3% but the deficit was actually 2%.
So,the combination of survivorship bias and backfill bias for that one year made 4.3 percentage points difference.
You've got survivorship bias taking out bad records and then you've got backfill bias adding good records.
Now,more than 130 managers failed because, in addition to survivorship bias, there's something called backfill bias.
So,we're talking about a group of funds that in aggregate probably produced somewhere in the low teens returns and he's got 11.7% per year combined survivorship bias and backfill bias.
Roger Ibbotson took a look at a larger group of funds -3,500--funds over a ten-year period and found survivorship bias at 2.9% per year and backfill bias at 4.6% per year.
How important is this survivorship bias?
This is true whether you look at the universe of the mutual fund managers that we might have available to us as individuals or whether it's institutional data, such as those that I just cited; that concept is survivorship bias.
In the case of Burt Malkiel's data, more than 11% per year and in the case of Roger Ibbotson's data between 7% and 8% per year of those returns can be explained either by backfill bias or survivorship bias.