Whenever I tried to sleep I would see huge, wobbly, white bags, like the full udders of cows, suspended from the ceiling above me.
We'll talk about exactly what a gel is later when we talk about biomechanics and cells are suspended within it.
But thinking about suspended animation suggests that we may actually need a third category, suspended-- neither alive nor dead.
He also shows, however, that normal politics is, itself, dependent upon extraordinary politics, periods of crisis, anarchy, instability, revolution, where the normal rules of the game are suspended.
And it lies suspended between two plates.
The structures in the brain which would underwrite the ability to engage in P-functioning, they're not destroyed by suspended animation.
Larry And now, suppose we take Larry and put him in a state of suspended animation.
It's not clear what's the right or best thing to say about suspended animation.
Rather, it's in a state of suspended animation.
Another thing that's different about human cells and animal - human cells and bacterial cells is that many bacterial cells can swim and can exist in suspension, that means just suspended in a fluid.
If there are three possibilities--dead, alive, or suspended-- to be dead, we could still say you've got to be broken, incapable of P-functioning.
Suppose we put somebody in a state of suspended animation, cool their body down so that the various metabolic processes come to an end.
So we need some account to distinguish between suspended animation and out and out being alive.
Suspended isn't broken. It's just suspended.
Because of this my mother used to make Jell-o that had fruit suspended in it, and the fruit doesn't sink to the bottom like you'd expect it to sink through water, but it stays suspended inside.
As I'm sure you know, we're able, with various lower organisms, to put them in a state of suspended animation and then, the amazing thing is, if you heat them back up again properly, they start functioning again.