He permits a real character like Satan to interact with a merely allegorical or symbolic character like Sin. The effect for Johnson - and who can say that this is -- that Johnson is wrong?
Well, apparently Richard in real life did not refuse to make those changes. And imagine, in a book that then undergoes this publishing history that I have described, this is kind of a symbolic scene.
Yeats is saying that Christianity is only one symbolic order among others.
Jacob Milgrom sees a moral message at the base of this complex, symbolic picture. And that is that humans and humans alone are responsible for the rein of wickedness and death or the rein of righteousness and life.
What the whole note is, what all these symbols are are simply representations of duration so we have a symbolic language here that's going to represent the horizontal axis the axis of duration.
He's claiming only that it is available and can be adduced from what we call "evidence" in the same way that the symbolic interpretation, based on the rhetorical question, is available and can be adduced from evidence -and that these two viewpoints are irreducible.
Yeats saw history in symbolic and mystical terms.
But we do know from living cultures that people do engage in all kinds of ritual and symbolic actions because of genuine beliefs about the importance of those actions, because those rituals and symbols are extraordinarily meaningful to them.