There are definitions based on form, circularity, symmetry, economy of form, lack of economy of form, and repetition.
Student: The beauty of the language and symmetry, the sentence structure, the word choice: I guess going away from the theme, more of just the language.
It would have been a perfect symmetry because last time we quoted Paul Ricoeur to the effect that these authors, Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud, were--and this is Ricoeur's word--"masters."
So in molecular orbital theory, what we did was we named orbitals based on their symmetry.
It is an aggregate of four polar bonds, but they are symmetry arranged in space.
So the way that you describe a bond is you describe the orbitals that the bond comes from, and also the symmetry of the bond.
And the last thing we can think about is how do we name this n h bond, and again, we just name it based on it symmetry.