What happens is a negative symptoms are alleviated, and we start to resurrect the signal in this part of the brain.
You might not know have any symptoms, you might just have a latent source of the microorganism somewhere in your body.
The drug L-DOPA increases the supply of dopamine and so there is something to alleviate, at least temporarily, the symptoms of Parkinson's.
And some medications of schizophrenics they take can make this worse So the typical, so call typical neuroleptics can exacerbate the symptoms.
Or if not, are the symptoms independent, will at least fix some of them?
If you eat food for a long time and then you stop, let's say a high sugar diet or something and withdrawal symptoms occur, well that might mean addiction is occurring.
Ask yourself, will it fix all of the symptoms you've seen?
And in exceptional cases, it shows up in certain clinical symptoms.
These are symptoms of mechanisms going on to keep things unconscious.
Moreover, modern therapists, including some people who aren't psychoanalytically defined, will say, "Look. These drugs are all well and good " but what they do is they mask the symptoms."
And the idea is that these are actually symptoms.
And there's considerable controversy " as to whether the Tony Soprano method of insight, where you get this insight and there's discovery, "Oh, now I know," makes any real difference in alleviating symptoms such as anxiety disorders or depression.
And the implications are that we'd like to build a confidential and dynamic theoria of decision-making that I can account for the widespread decisions that people making, those when they are inrrational reflected when they are not And we'd also like a better remapping of disease on sympton profiles, so that we can address those symptoms better.