So, these on-changing properties that describe the state of the equilibrium state of the system are called state variables.
All right, so this is the heat flowing in or out of the system, and these are all functions of state.
So, if we want to go from that stable state to that less stable state, we need to put in a certain amount of energy to our system, that difference between the free electron and the electron bound to the metal.
We know that the way we enter into society is by consent, by agreement to leave the state of nature and to be governed by the majority and by a system of laws, human laws.
So the system will not be described by a single state variable during the path.
We're going to find other properties that do care about the history of the system like work, that you put in the system, or heat that you put in the system, or some other variables But you can't use those to define the equilibrium state.
In other words, you've got your system in some state.
So the point is, once you're at equilibrium none of the other states they're accessible, the system could rearrange itself to form them, but there is no accessible state that has higher entropy than the equilibrium state.
They only depend on the state the system is in.
It defines the state of the system.
Anybody have an idea? What's the one function of state? I'm the system, the rest are the surrounding. What's the one function of state that's constant when I'm doing all my chemical reactions to move my arms around?
So we'd really like to be able to find some sort of equation of state, or some sort of rather function of state that's going to relate the heat going in or out of the system with that function of state, because this isn't going to do it.