Things can't become holy and can't come into contact with the holy or the sacred if they are not first pure.
at night, you can't do, you can't even do it now. There's no crosstown bus there now.
We need to believe that the soul, unlike an engine, can't itself be destroyed, can't itself decompose, can't fall apart.
He claimed that children at this age literally can't understand that others can see the world differently from them.
What would he say?" And I said, "That last thing is what you can't get, Carlo. Nobody can get to that last thing.
People can't deal with this poem until they can get a handle on the fact that it doesn't rhyme.
My answer is, you can't change one but you can create a new one that is almost like the old one but different in a little bit.
People can't pay --they can't pay a high interest if they don't have it as a long-term loan.
If you could get to zero degrees Kelvin, you'd get perfect efficiency, 0 but you can't get to zero degrees Kelvin, you can't. Even if you have an infinite amount of resources, you can't get there.
Can anyone not see it? Does anyone need -- actually I can't even tell if you raise your hand. So ask your neighbor if you can't see it and get one of the plates if you're having trouble seeing with the glasses. So this should match up with the spectrum that we saw.
Can't cure it, can't solve it, can't get rid of it?
Now, sodium and potassium don't ordinarily move across membranes, they're charged molecules, they can't dissolve, they can't permeate through a cell membrane, but they go through because there are channels that allow them to pass through in the membrane.
..I have kept hidden in the instep arch Of an old cedar at the waterside A broken drinking goblet like the Grail Under a spell so the wrong ones can't find it, So can't get saved as Saint Mark says they mustn't.
so the opposition can't get it very quickly so you can run between the wickets.
What is the use of any aspect of literature if, as good scientists, we can't analyze it or can't somehow or another account for it?
Because it can't be right to kill five people when you can only kill one person instead.