It can be very stressful especially because we don't get cell phone reception down there.
So, when the right signal is received, the right T-cell finds your host cell with a foreign virus in it, the first thing that happens is that this T-cell becomes activated and it starts reproducing, making more copies of itself.
所以 当接收到正确的信号,恰当的T细胞寻觅到,感染外源病毒的细胞时,首先发生的是,T细胞被激活并开始增殖,制造更多自身拷贝
It can't enter cells because it's too big and it's too water soluble so it can't go through cell membranes.
The answer is, "It's not like anything," where that doesn't mean there's something that it's like to be a cell phone, but different from being anything else.
So this means we can code for it in DNA, you don't have to worry how am I going to get into the cell.
One of the most obvious things about a red blood cell is it doesn't have nucleus, it has no nucleus.
Because of that you can't count on molecules moving rapidly over the size of a cell that's ten to 30 Microns in diameter.
I've already mentioned many times that the lipid bilayer, the cell membrane, isn't just a lipid bilayer.
Formaldehyde cross-links proteins, so, if you treated this virus with Formaldehyde, even it was able to enter a cell, it couldn't break down anymore.
You could use cell culture, so you don't have to grow the virus naturally in animals.
This is a new concept, receptors don't have to be these molecules on cell surface, there can be receptors that exist in other places within the cell.
Some small subsets do but most of the cells in your brain don't proliferate and that's because they get trapped at one portion of the cell cycle.
So, it doesn't need to bind to a receptor on the surface of the cell in order to work because the molecule can actually enter the cell directly.
One way that that's done is by introducing genes into cancer cells, genes that aren't normally expressed in any mammalian cell, but that will cause the cancer cell to die.
No. Cell phones don't have any experience at all.
So, these are receptors, for example, that bind the ligand and then liberate an enzyme which promotes some sort of reaction inside the cell, often it's kinases but doesn't have to be.
So cell culture production wasn't an option.
Now, sodium and potassium don't ordinarily move across membranes, they're charged molecules, they can't dissolve, they can't permeate through a cell membrane, but they go through because there are channels that allow them to pass through in the membrane.
How is your immune system going to recognize that this virus is there causing bad results if it's living inside of a cell and doing all its business inside a cell where antibodies can't get to it?
That's a lot of the literature of stem cells that you'll read about, taking a particular source of stem cell and nurturing it in such a way that it gains potentials that it didn't have necessarily when it was in the body, or exploiting those potentials that it wouldn't necessarily express.
The main effector cells in cell mediated immunity, the cells that do the main business are called T-cells.
The antigen has to be presented to helper T-cells, those helper T-cells have to stimulate a B-cell population to both proliferate and differentiate.
So if it's not a cell that's going through division you can't use a retrovirus to express the protein.
You don't want to generate a lot of cells that just start killing every cell inside your body.
If a cell membrane was indeed just a lipid bilayer, then glucose could never enter the cell because it can't permeate through cell membranes.
Why don't bacteria need a distinct nucleus and that's necessary in a human cell?
Human cells don't have a cell wall but most bacteria do.
We've talked about one class of molecules, they're transporters that move molecules from inside to outside, or outside to in, that wouldn't ordinarily be transported through a cell membrane.
So, it makes a binary decision, either I create an action potential or I don't, but that decision could be based on many inputs, not just on input from one cell.
所以 这里产生一个二选一的决策,就是产生动作电位亦或不产生,不过这个决定可能是,根据很多输入信号做出的,而不是仅凭单个细胞所传来的信号