If you can put it in other words, those other words take the form of an appeal to intention.
It's difficult to imagine that as an expression of genuine grief over the death of a genuinely close friend would take the form of a poem so learned, so filled with remote literary allusions and obscure opinions.
But there's one other complication that you've got to be warned about, which is this. Because these are dialogues and they take the form of philosophical arguments, people put forward views and then, over the course of the discussion, change their minds about things.
You could run the reaction, take solid iron gaseous oxygen, form iron oxide, measure the heat of formation of it, tabulate it.
Next time, I will take up the story of the expansion of the world of the polis, which takes the form of colonization.
So, this is the other form that the aesthetic can take. And I think that Nabokov is consistently concerned about these two valences of what the aesthetic can look like.
The word "defiled" means to take on some form of ritual impurity.
It's simply, notice the form of it here is, it's going to take two arguments, self self is the original instance.
Although Hobbes is widely taken to be a defender of monarchical absolutism, you will note, in your readings, that he displays a kind of studied neutrality over actually what form the sovereign should take.
But if it does take input, you have to provide it in the form of arguments or parameters, like print F takes, generally, inside of those parentheses.
All right, so that's s p 3 hybridization, but those aren't the only type of hybrid orbitals that we can form. Let's take a look at what happens if instead of combining all four orbitals, we just combine three of those orbitals, and what we'll end up with is s p 2 hybridization.
For those of you who still do believe in the existence of souls I suppose you could take a great deal in discussions that follows as some form of large conditional or subjunctive if there were no souls then here's what we have to say.