They show us a poet taking language apart and putting it back together in new ways, new configurations, new anatomies.
taking a bus into Manhattan and going into the museum. And what I just recall is walking around like this.
Whatever you're reading, it's always worth thinking about and considering what the motives might be for such extraordinary literary risk taking.
So, Barth is taking a risk that this little craft project emphasizes and that the stories in the book act out.
OK. The process of writing is exercising both halves of your brain, and it's actually helping you learn, and so taking notes is really valuable thing.
So what's going on is taking what is a unity, and pulling apart that unity to see the diversity of this early Christian movement and these documents.
In contrast, if we're taking the wave function and describing it in terms of n, l, m sub l, and now also, the spin, what are we describing here?
So here we've got the continuing,evolving over time-- this is all taking place in France-- the personality of Napoleon in France.
So,after taking into account the market impact, and the commissions,and the fees, this zero-sum game becomes a negative-sum game.
But I guess Locke would be against suicide, and that's still my own consent. I agree by taking my life.
What I'm also taking in, try at least to take in everything around me, perceiving a lot of people.
And this is absolutely not true; it's for the most part the entire freshman year for instance at MIT is taking pass-fail.
It comes through investment and taking money from investors, either through swiping their credit cards while they're not looking or through revenue.
An old crony and former colleague of mine was taking a course at Johns Hopkins in the 1960s.
You get these plots by taking the wave function times its complex conjugate and operating on that.
So I should be taking Arabic because I think it's a so much better way to converge people.