and I guess people in this country talk about that a lot with athletes.
Some of you already know this, but let me talk about that and then give you my view on it.
Now actually, the science on this is pretty new and very interesting, and we'll talk about that in the class.
By that I mean psychological framing, and there are many psychologists who talk about this, but notably Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky.
So, we'll talk a bit about what that means, with the different gods and goddesses, and how you learned all this in mythological courses and English in high school.
And so, what I want to do is begin this class that's going to talk about cognitive development by talking about his ideas.
For our purposes, I think that won't be crucial, and so I'll sometimes talk about this set of abilities without actually having a canonical list.
And we're going to talk about this more when we talk about cell culturing later, and we'll talk about lots of potential applications of that as well.
They talk a lot, as Sarah said, they talk a lot about abstract questions, and this puts the meaning of the story in that abstract register. Is it a love story, or is it a religious story, a mystifying story?
They would have seen this as an example of the word that they used, and we'll talk about a lot in this course, hubris, a kind of violent arrogance which comes upon men when they see themselves as more than human and behave as though they were divine.
And in the second half of this course, talk to us about transition metals in depth, and that's when we'll really delve into d orbitals.
So, we'll talk about this other axis of style on the course, writing code that looks pretty and as well aesthetically laid out.
And this is important because it means that since we cannot observe, we cannot talk about individual electrons.
This is a show where we talk about religions, spirituality culture and ethics, anything that comes to mind.
That gets us to the smart thief. Why is this thief smart? Because she took 600. And she learned 600 that in fact there is a good way to solve this problem. And that's what we're going to talk about next. And that's something called dynamic programming.
I think it's the most important theoretical concept that underlies finance and insurance, which we'll also talk about a little bit in this course.
When we talk about methods to track individual food intake, there are different ways of doing this, different methods that get used and they have different levels of accuracy.
They typically--they like to talk about the politics of it and this thing, that it's dead on arrival or it'ssomeone said it's an amateurish proposal.
I'm going to ask you to indulge me while I go back to the beginning and talk about some things that you know but I'm going to go through this pretty rapidly.
This is the most recent version of this that--and we'll talk about whether this graphic makes sense to people, whether it's the kind of information people can access, and make use of, whether people even pay attention to it or know about it.
So, although we joke about these kinds of experiments, and they are fun to talk about because they are unusual and cute, there is also some serious implications of this kind of work that one might think about.
And it's important innovation in several different ways and we're going to talk about this whole science of building artificial organs, devices that are made out of totally synthetic components to replace the function of your natural organs, and the artificial heart is a good example of that.
So it's some way of interfacing activity in your brain with the outside world, and we'll talk about this as we go along, but there's lots of reasons to think that we're going to have this in the not too distant future.
Now one of the new technologies that's evolving, that we're going to talk about in the last half of the course, is taking cells that have been propagated in this way outside the body and encouraging them to form new tissues.
You regulate your breathing rate in order to accomplish that and we'll talk about this in a couple of weeks.
I talk about this in the book you have, Irrational Exuberance, and I'll let you read that and not summarize it here.
Or you can talk about the gate being open, and in this case, you can see that you will have an influx of ions.
And the reasons why this happens and how that works is something we'll talk about later on.
And an important thing to remember when we talk about resonance hybrids is that the structure it's not 1/2 the time this structure, and 1/2 of the time this structure, it's actually some combination or some average between the two structures.