actually our third, but the second one we're going to talk about in terms of formal charge, which is thionyl chloride.
Now if you talk in terms of you don't see Asians,
State law has requirements for the board of directors and-- I'm just going to talk in very basic terms.
So chlorine, if we talk about it in terms of electron affinity, we would be writing that we're actually gaining an electron here, and getting the ion, c l minus.
But immediately,very early, you start hearing the Greeks talk about the polis in terms that are more in your mind than in touch.
As we talk about this, as people talk about this, in the context of our object-oriented programming, they typically will talk about it in terms of message pass, a message passing metaphor.
We talk in terms of high pitch and low pitch although we'll fine tune that next time, and then we have this idea of duration or time, which we tend to write out in symbols that move from your left to right.
And more generally, the problem is you can talk about what other people do in terms of reinforcement and punishment and operant conditioning and classical conditioning.
We want to talk about that same concept today in terms of polio, which is a vaccine that is both made and manufactured in a different way than the smallpox vaccine.
There was an intellectual leap that occurred in the seventeenth century and it became very fashionable to talk in terms of probabilities.
They seem to talk about it in their own terms, which to a public finance expert is, I don't know, very populist or unprofessional.
Normally, when you have a dealer, the dealer has a-- when we talk in terms of price the dealer has an ask, which is higher than the bid.
We can already use that in terms of single ions to think about a really complex biological issue, which is to talk about ion channels.
And when we talk about intensity in terms of units, we usually talk about watts, so if you change your lightbulb, usually you see the intensity in terms of watts.
So, now we can talk about it in different terms, Ei for example, talking about e sub i, which is the incident energy or the energy of the light that comes in, or talking about work function here, and that's just another way to say threshold energy.
If I talk about it in general terms, they might not put it in that frame Really, an important example of framing is how we deal with money and indexation.
So this, in fact, is going to be our last principle that we're going to talk about in terms of periodic trends.
I want to talk a little bit about how you use the things we've been building in terms of functions to help you structure and organize your code.
I'm going to just talk about it in the very intuitive, direct terms.
We want to be more--a bit more sophisticated than that, if you will, and use other terms, so we'll talk generally about Beethoven's composition or Beethoven's piece or Beethoven's work or his master work or chef d'oeuvre or however fancy you want to get with it.
So, in terms of the c l atom, we need to talk about each atom individually.
We can also talk about it in terms of if we want to solve, if we, for example, we want to find out what that initial energy was, we can just rearrange our equation, or we can look at this here where the initial energy is equal to kinetic energy plus the work function.
Finally, for the last lecture for this semester, I want to pull this together and talk about one of the themes that is summarized in terms of a theme of this course: the democratization of finance.
l But now we need to talk about l and m as well. So now when we talk about a ground state in terms of wave function, we need to talk about the wave function of 1, 0, 0, and again, as a function of r, theta and phi.
And if we talk about electrons or photoelectrons, again we can describe it in terms of energy, we can talk about velocity, and from there, of course, you can figure out the energy from 1/2 m v squared, and actually we can also describe the electron in terms of wavelength.
So again, what we see is the same pattern where the most probable radius, if we talk about it in terms of the d, that's going to be smaller then for the p, and the 3 p most probable radius is going to be closer to the nucleus than it is for the 3 s most probable radius that we're looking at.