And as for taxes, the Bush tax cuts as John said, are set to expire very substantially by the end of 2010.
or the tax cuts from the wealthy, for the wealthy that were instituted under the Bush administration.
Whatever the proposal is on by anybody, Obama, Clinton or McCain I think it should be consistent And so the question is that ? should you make the tax cuts permanent?
Those were tax cuts only for the richest, 1% or 2% of the country,
Go ahead and let the Bush tax cuts expire on the theory that the government needs extra revenues to cover the higher spending or should he try to ? make the Bush tax cuts permanent, Ken Judd?
Do you have any views on the fiscal side of things the government is talking now 850 billion dollar package, the mix of fiscal stimulus, tax cuts, and the like?
Now, that seem to me to fit what I saw of experience in the 1980's when Reagan cut taxes and then there was this... they were worried about the climbing deficits So he clawed back some of the tax cuts in TEFRA, that huge tax.
We are hoping that they will not continue the tax cuts,
Even with the tax cuts we are talking about.
Well we could begin with George Washington Alright, for your sake, we toss in John Kennedy ... who cut taxes. -Because... the Kennedy tax cuts and the Reagan tax cuts ... were both major tax cuts. -Did you hear me ask him ? for a one-word answer? Did you hear me?
And you can kick it down the road ... but somebody down the road... I think it's very important to make the tax cuts permanent to prevent the taxes from increasing It would be really a large drag on the economy.