But Milton was also beginning to develop in this period a much more strict, a much more disciplined religious temperament.
This parable may seem, I think, to be a little more compatible with Milton's general temperament in the years of his studious retirement.
More than one can say or care to admit, it may ultimately be a matter of temperament which path one chooses to take.
But the fact that Peter was a czar and was rather scary in his temperament, because he had a rather bad temper, too, meant that he could be alarming.
If I told you that I decided to buy a greyhound instead of a pit bull because I wanted a dog of a gentle temperament, nobody would scream that I'm a dog racist involving--and--but honestly, it's a stereotype.
And for Milton, whose temperament up to this point inclined him obviously to hesitation, to postponement, and to merely the anticipation of profit, the pressure applied by this parable of the unprofitable servant may very well have seemed utterly unbearable.