So that can be unsettling when we think of this as happening at a certain contemporaneous moment in the history of thought.
I like having different art pieces that can interact with the room in a way that are not too intrusive.
So now, for example, there are a whole range, just a whole rainbow of fluorescent proteins that can be used.
Perhaps the claim then is that dying is not something that can be done in that way as a joint undertaking.
That can happen but that's abnormal, but changes in maybe the chemistry of the backbone that holds the nucleotides together.
This is a first person sentence that can be translated, "I am who I am," or perhaps, "I will be who I will be," or perhaps, "I cause to be what I cause to be."
OK, says it says enter a float. I give it something that can be converted into a float, it says fine. I'm going to go back and run it again though. If I run it again, it says enter a float.
I am going to emphasize what you perhaps did anticipate that he would say, so that can take us along rather smoothly.
It is something, as he stresses, that can be evoked by symbols, by poetic symbols, and this he intends to do in his poetry.
We're building a payment network that can't go down because if we go down, we lose money for one of our users.
Milton's arguing that there's no authority that can rightfully exist outside of the conscience of the individual.
I think that theological positions need to change and we know that can, look at how they've changed in Christianity regarding women, not perfect, but, regarding women, the end of human chattel slavery.
There are a lot of people that can do work, and if you have a more efficient way to manage a large crowd of engineers, you can be very competitive in the technology world.
Is there any experimental evidence that can put this to the test? And the answer is yes.
So, you find another crop that will grow there that can be useful; that's the picture.
Then if there's anything that can't get resolved that way then go ahead and contact me.