Our temperature probably fluctuates during the day a little bit anyways, it's not very accurate. And similarly, the boiling point, defining that at a 100 degrees Celsius well that depends on the pressure.
Yeah, I mean, because I'm not living that locally to here, but depends what you like.
It'll be hotter. How much hotter? Well, that depends on how much heat was produced.
That depends on how much sleep you get but dreams leave fragile memories. They fade quickly.
First of all, that depends on which input I've picked. All right?
But all that depends on our ability to estimate dietary fat.
This spring is getting squashed on either side, and it'll squash by certain amount x, that depends on your mass, and that x will be turned into a motion of a needle and that'll read your mass.
这个弹簧两边都会受到压缩,压缩量为 x,它由你的质量决定,x 会转换成指针的运动,你从而可以读数
And is no longer that sole determining factor for energy, energy also depends both l on n and on l.
Whether that's right or not depends on just how bad would it be to be immortal.
The first moral principle that emerged in the discussion said the right thing to do, the moral thing to do depends on the consequences that will result from your action.
They have a formula that defines how much Tier I and Tier II capital a bank has to hold and the amount depends on the risk class of their investments.
So very similar idea, but the only thing is, I'm slightly abusing notation here by saying that my payoff depends on my strategy and a belief, but what I really mean is my expected payoff.
But for now assume that GetInt just makes the cursor blink or at least stay steady -- it depends on your computer and operating system and such.
That is true of all of human societies that we know anything about down to the earliest possible exception, I suppose; well, it depends what you think is earliest.
That's the great thing about New York. It depends on what you're in the mood for.
Holy things are holy because they are removed from the realm of the common by means of rules or safeguards that demarcate them as different and separate and determine that we use them differently. The preservation of holy status therefore depends on those rules and safeguards.
For a real gas it depends on more than the temperature STUDENT: Are there any other constraints similar to that .
Of course that depends on the accuracy of the self- reports that people are making on their own, and as you'll see in just a minute, there are errors in that and some of you may have experienced some of that yourself in keeping the dietary records.
Well, it depends on what he--on how you interpret that sentence because the sentence is beautifully ambiguous.
I think it depends on whether the list is odd or even in length. Actually, that's probably not true. With one, it'll probably always get it down there, but if I've made it just equal to two I might have lost.
But the fact that reducing cholesterol is considered good for you in the first place, depends on these kinds of studies on population intake to know how much cholesterol people are eating and then link it to reports of heart disease, or cancer, or whatever the health outcome is.