So, people in the chemistry community and in the physics community had this general feeling that the theoretical structure of the entire universe was pretty well understood.
Well, that's pretty difficult. It, you know, I think it's easiest to do that in sort of an informal way.
Well,I think that's a pretty clear-eyed view,and a clear indictment, of what Kerouac is doing through the character of Sal.
So, we'll talk about this other axis of style on the course, writing code that looks pretty and as well aesthetically laid out.
So you feel that you know pretty well how things behave, but then, all of a sudden, there's something way out here.
Well that's pretty easy to do.
Well, Freud pretty quickly figures out that what little Hans is doing is finding a way of expressing his frustration about the way in which his mother leaves the room; in other words, his mother is not always there for him.
Well, there are pretty gross ways of estimating these things that typically get used.
Well, in fact, he pretty well was ready to turn himself into a king, but he wouldn't use that word, because it had such a terrible smell.
事实上,他已经基本上 准备要登基称王,但他不会用那个词,因为这个词声名狼藉
They cared terribly about the consequences to their clients in the long term from the securities they sold. That ethos, by the time the year 2006 came along, had pretty well disappeared.
I mean I know you all know each other because you've met at Yale, but you also know each other well enough to know that not everyone in the room is rational, and you're pretty sure that not everyone knows that you're rational and so on and so forth.
So that means, then, you've got to define the pressure pretty well.
Now, in that Northern society and here we're using labels pretty loosely, but so be it the northern states; and well I'll leave the outline up for the moment. No I won't.
Well, that's pretty obvious.
I would guess that's pretty much, you know, apart from, you know, all the usual, well-known things.
There's a big website that we built called, "Get The Glass!" that was pretty well known.
So by the time it came, more like, by the time I came to meet this random project that was pretty well change where it's making that, you know In terms of managing this whole process, nothing.
I think that you're, you know, you're probably pretty well off.
That was pretty compelling as an asset class and worked really well.
You want that shield up so that it pretty well meets your helmet, so it's going to be at a certain distance but it will also go down to where it needs to go down here.
Lintner showed that this simple model--the Lintner Model-- explains the behavior of companies pretty well Next session is Friday with Stephen Schwarzman and I'll see you then.
That's part of public finance--is learning how to modify the tax system so that it works pretty well.
A lot of you saw that as well. It's actually pretty good.
That is, how many hamburgers do we think are being eaten and that's the food disappearing; how much of the foods are being consumed in processed products and the like, so that's a pretty gross estimate as well.
Now if you think around to the people you know, you probably are aware that there are pretty important differences between people and how much they eat, and then how well those calories get banked.
That is a wild assumption, but it's fun to make, because I know pretty well-- I know very well--that people aren't doing this.
If you ask them why it matters, they say, well it's pretty obvious-- it's all their investor psychology that we have to deal with.