It was gradually adopted by other countries through time and the United States didn't officially adopt it until 1900.
And so the mixed group that would join together to become Israel accepted Yahweh, though perhaps not exclusively, and adopted the national story of the Exodus as its own at some point.
It's unclear's only by...only in the early '80s that they've really adopted measured monetary, right?
And this is very important, because the Romans, as their power grew in the East, they simply moved increasingly into the eastern Mediterranean and they adopted the whole Greek system, the Greek world, and they didn't even try to make it non-Greek.
And since then there been at least 2 iterations of further stop gap measures, first European community adopted and then American are doing much the training.
The U.S. adopted the Basel requirements in 1989 and they're still enforced today.
The many civilizations adopted by the human race have shared basic characteristics.
The patriarchal stories are clearly not the work of the Deuteronomist, and these stories must have had very longstanding traditional authority if they were adopted without serious modification by the Deuteronomist redactor some modification, but not serious.