It's from that story we have the idea that mankind is responsible or has dominion over the animals and the earth.
It is, of course, important if you use animal testing to treat the animals with as much dignity as possible.
I don't mean that the animals are identical me, but their reality is just as pure and indefeasible as my reality.
And then I started to say, I'm studying ethics, what are the ethics have we treat the animals.
The animals become sick from it and humans become sick from it.
On the one hand it's clearly good that humans rise above the animals and build cities and wear clothes and pursue the arts of civilization and develop bonds of love and duty and friendship the way that animals do not; these are the things that make humans like the gods in The Epic of Gilgamesh.
"For we assert," he says, "nature does nothing in vain and man alone " among the animals has speech.
It is an uncontrollable mystery "on the bestial floor": on the floor, on the bottom, on the ground, where the animals dwell.
Aristotle, and his politics, made the point neatly, and I quote him, "As a man," - I'm sorry, "As man is the best of the animals when perfected, so he is the worst when separated from law and justice.
the dinosaur bones, and the animals and all of these like stuffed, these images behind glass of,
And some of them even wrote some poetry about the animals themselves.
You know, "Let's show Americans what all the animals look like.
and wrote scientific papers about the animals there.
They were little toys that-- they would be shaped like animals or something and you could roll them along the floor.
If evolution is survival of the fittest, nature red in tooth and claw, how could animals evolve moral feelings?
If animals get a similar disease then you can learn about that disease progression in much more detail in the animal.