Another thing is that, when once an invention is made, it tends to be copied all over the world.
So in London, you can find the whole world in one area or another
It's another example of how the world comes to impinge on and change our reading experience.
Well, the world had to come up with another symbol that looked as similar as possible just for people's sanity, so they went with equals equals.
They find it very difficult to grasp the world as another person might see it.
The epidemic simply migrates from one part of the world to another."
States stand to one another on the world stage as individuals do in the condition of nature; that is to say, potential enemies with no higher authority by which to adjudicate their conflicts.
And this just is another list, I mainly wanted you to have it in your notes of diseases that are important around the world, for which there are very active programs to develop either vaccines or more effective vaccines.
You can still see in the Pantheon-- the sort of secular monument but also just Napoleonic generals one after another-- you can still see bullet holes there, from the Commune, not just from World War Two, from where people were executed.
What that means, Kaufman asserts, is that in pagan religion there's very often a fluid boundary between the divine, the human, and the natural worlds. They blur into one another because they all emerge ultimately from the same primordial world stuff.
I think one of the greatest circles for moral good is storytelling where you're invited to take the perspective of another and see the world as they do.
Well, if you look, Sal, after witnessing what it means -what their business is with one another, he looks out, and he sees the world through Carlo's eyes.
Creatures like Spock and Data don't exist in the real world but there are unusual and unfortunate cases where people lose, to some extent or another, their emotions.