one of the big causes of companies not filing financial statements on time was if they had backdated the stock options.
I think the reason why triathlon is not so, so big is just because it requires a lot of time.
Some time around this period of time,in early Christianity, somebody got the big idea, "Hey,let's cut up the scroll into pages, and sew the pages together. And then,put it all in a book.
You can take these big risks of time, and if at the end of the day there's nothing to detect, you still know how to build a detector.
Remember, we saw that last time looking at the binary numbers. 2 to the n is a big number.
We finished Black Boy last time, and one of the big questions coming out of my discussion of that autobiography is: how do you manage the question of context in reading a novel or an autobiography--in reading any text?
Now,every time there's a big time political disaster, from the point of view of the Catholic Church in France, it's followed by a period of religious revival.
But at the time it was big, so this was big news.
You can actually say big O of 1, big O of 1 being constant time, the same number of steps.
What he suggested is "Manhattan-Project-type attacks upon what I consider to be the truly Big Problems of our time, not only for psychology but for all human beings " with any sense of historical urgency".
It's kind of unsettling because we like to know what things are, but at the same time it's not really a big problem because as long as we know about the fact that a certain notion of literature exists in certain communities we can begin to do very interesting work precisely with that idea.
I don't have any very good answers for that and yet it is one part of the traditional explanation is this, and it's a very important one and much debated, that at a critical time in the battle one technique would be one side would give one great big shove.
Bourgeois and burghers, as I said last time, are urban residents who are losing their privileges on the continent to big-time absolute states.
So just one after another they made these insane departures from the corrective devices d put in the last time we had a big trouble and they really worked quite well.
It never works the first time if it's a big program.
The other thing that I mentioned last time was that there seems to be a really big difference between the expected return on the stock market and the expected return on short-term debt.
Taking the problem, recognizing that you know what, 8 even though this is a pretty big problem size 8 in this case and last time it was size 8 or in the case of the papers in size of a thousand roughly with the phonebook, I assume these are in a perfectly straight line they won't quite fit.