Since he's a Yale guy, he probably thinks of himself as the Matt Damon character perhaps not, and failing that, he'd like to coordinate at the Bourne Ultimatum.
So her best thing now is to successfully meet David at The Bourne Ultimatum and David's preferences are Player 2's preferences, so his favorite thing is to successfully meet at The Good Shepherd.
All right, so in fact, if we checked the Nash equilibria in this game, the Nash Equilibria, and you can check that they are in fact best responses, are both people doing The Bourne ultimatum or both people doing The Good Shepherd.
Now, it used to be in the old days before I had kids, I could list off 15 current movies and help you a bit more with your dating strategy by giving you instant movie reviews, but now I have kids, I get to see precisely two movies a year, and the two movies I got to see this year were The Bourne Ultimatum and the Good Shepherd.