I'd like to close with a short story of recent interaction that I had with a video over the internet.
I think one of the mistakes that I think you can make in a company is to build really close friendships.
I don't believe we'll-- I'll--come close to scratching the surface of what I would enjoy doing, by the time I've died.
Maybe on the campus tour they kept you away from this part of the campus, but if you go over to the east close to the river there is a building called "the library."
There are also all kinds of paradoxes and subtle puns and ironies, and in section where you'll be doing a lot of your close reading work, those are some of the things that will be drawn to your attention.
So when you define a function, you have, as we've seen these curly braces, that define all ; of the code that's associated with that function; open curly brace code, close curly brace, that is the function.
that's somewhat much closer to the Russians, and close to Dostoyevsky, in terms of being a holy fool.
So, in terms of wavelength, Wakefield has the largest wavelength, but in terms of being significant, we're still not even close.
The presumption is that they all reward and demand a certain amount of close reading.
Then I want to talk about options markets-- this is getting close to the end of the course.
It's to admit that this is in fact a late epic and that it derives from a close, studious, student-like imitation of the great epics of Homer and Virgil.
Nor do we believe they were written even by the close disciples of apostles. They're anonymous texts.
- The aftermath of--the historical close reading aftermath of-- the New Criticism does precisely that, if one sees deconstruction as a response to the New Criticism.
They would get lesions on their hands, for example, the part of their body that was really in close contact with the cows.
比如,在与奶牛亲密接触的身体部位,也就是手上 也许会出斑
So, the parody is of something very close to home. And this poem that I've given you will come back on page 134. You don't have to turn to that now, but you should think about that return.
That basically says, how close are you the guts of the machine?